Thursday 4 February 2016

Rooftop Garden Ideas

In our previous publication we had a discussion about landscaped gardens. In this edition we will give you few ideas about rooftop gardens. Today’s article is all dedicated to the gardeners who are in search of a perfect guide of how to decorate and design the exteriors and the rooftops with greeneries.

Today very few of us own a big house with ample space for garden or free spaces. While most of us living in apartments, we don’t have the permission to make gardens at roof. However, if you are a born gardener and cherish love for gardening, rooftop garden is ideal for you. If it is possible to walk on your terrace, turn around again, then there is space available for flowers, a shrub, or tree.  Rooftop gardening or terrace gardening requires a little planning and indulgent the different conditions that will exist during the seasons as well as the micro climates that will occur in different locations.

This post will cover several major issues that impact a garden. So go through this post, we expect to cover up all the aspects of rooftop gardening and to help you with the confusions.
This is considered as the biggest challenge for rooftop gardens. Cold wintry wind or the dry hot breezes- both affects the plants those are in the roof very badly.  To protect them you should plan a planter decorated properly for mitigating the wind issue.
Determine what actual sunlight will hit your space.  I needed to alter the plant makeup after the building was built.  Also, take a look at the sunlight during the seasons.  There can be buildings and trees that can impact the amount of light that your plans will receive.
Roof overhead
To protect plants from direct sunlight, you can place a canopy or bushy herbs covering the plants. Again, watch the area you want to cover and create a shade- the canopies will wonderfully blind the affected plants.
Weight Capacity
If you remember only one piece of advice before installing a rooftop garden, remember this: Dirt is heavy and wet dirt is heavier.
When outlining a rooftop garden installation strategy, first investigate the maximum structural load capacity of the roof. Improper planning may cost you dearly in the long run, so make sure to calculate the maximum weight capacity your roof can handle before installation.
Drainage and waterproofing
Once you are done with your rooftop garden’s size and have planned about your plants, you need to prepare for proper drainage and waterproofing. Layering your roof in a manner that will drain all the excess water is necessary to increase the life of your building as well as the plants you have in your garden. It is suggested by expert gardeners that apart from the vegetation layer you have planted, following are layers of filtration, drainage and waterproof barrier to protect the roof from getting water-logged and damp rooms.

Rooftop Garden Containers
While occupying the entire rooftop with dirt is enticing, you may want to install special gardening trays to give you more flexibility when moving about the garden. Although you may want to play in the dirt as much as possible, there will be times you’ll want to do a little bit of maintenance without stepping in the soil.

In order to organize the garden (and avoid messy boot prints), consider special gardening containers. Look for lightweight containers that come with integrated drainage systems. These containers are fairly straightforward to install and make removal easier should you move or need to repair the rooftop.
Rooftops gardens are one of the most energy efficient decisions you can make and also provides you with a fantastic space often with the best views. Hope this is useful to you! So enjoy gardening! Enjoy your stroll with the pretty herbs at your roof! 

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